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Last few days have been hectic and I have been unable to visit all your blogs .. I am sorry about that but I am sure I will be visiting your blogs when I settle down in India.. It will take a few days for me , I will really miss blogging and all your yummy recipes. I may post some wonderful creations of my MIL,Mom and my SIL : )
Before leaving I wanted to post this Italian chocolate truffle ... its very easy to prepare and it simply melts in your mouth. It is a soft chocolate with mild orange flavor that will tickle your tastebuds
Happy Dewali once again and have a wonderful time and here is the recipe
Cooking Time : 7 min
Preparation Time: 10 min
Make : 24 truffles
Ingredients :
- 6 oz semisweet chocolate (best quality)
- 1/4 tsp orange extract
- 3 tbsp unsalted butter
- 4 tbsp confectionery sugar
- 1/2 cup almond powder (finely grinded)
- 2 oz semisweet chocolate grated (for coating)
Making the Truffles
Melt the semisweet chocolate with orange extract in a bowl set over a saucepan of hot water,stir until well combined.
Add butter and stir until it melts,add sugar and almond powder and stir nicely
Let the mixture sit in a cool place until it is firm enough.Divide and shape them into 24 balls.
Place the grated chocolate on a plate and roll the truffles in it to coat them nicely.
Place the truffles in paper candy cases and let it chill. Your tempting truffles are ready.
You can melt ur chocolate in microwave ,but u have to stir it in every 30 second till it melts completely
In original recipe they used 2 tbsp orange liqueur but I replaced it with orange extract.
I am sending this truffles to
Anyone can cook hosted by Ayeesha
Bookmarked Recipe Every Tuesday hosted by Priya n Aipi

Tags: Italian, Chocolate, Dewali Treat, Deepavalli Sweet, Truffles
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