Spirulina The Best Whole Food On Earth

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My FIL who is 73 years old has been eating Spirulina for the last 15 yrs, and recently I did some research online and amazed by its nutritional value. I have begun to eat this and also told my hubby to have it regularly.

So what is Spirulina ?

UN-WHO ranks the Spirulina the "Most Ideal Food of Mankind in 21st Century", UNFC evaluates it as "Super Nourishing Food"

Upon testing it NASA scientists found 1 kg of Spirulina nutritionally equal to 1000 kg of assorted vegetables.

This superfood is a immortal life form renewing it self for over 3.3 billion years.Today it is consumed by health conscious people all over the world.Its exceptional nutritional value was recognized and consumed by ancient aztecs.

For Protien:
Spirulina is the richest source of protien in the world. It contains all the 18 amino acids the building blocks of protien.

For Iron:
Spirulina is the richest source of assimilable iron in the world

Other Vitamins and Minerals
Spirulina contains all the essential vitamins and minerals like B1, B2, B6, B12, Vitamin E, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium, Iron, Phosphorus. Know more http://www.naturalways.com/spirulina-analysis.htm

For Anti-aging Benefits:
It is the ideal anti-aging food: high nutrient value,easily digestable and loaded with antioxidants. It is the richest source of beta-carotene required for healthy eyes and vision.As people age many dont eat enough and experience low energy can benefit with spirulina.

Over the last 30 years worldwide medical research has discovered spirulina helps combat problems like diabetes,anaemia and atmospheric pollutio.It helps combat free radicals which are produced by every human being which are assentially unstable molecules that cause ailments like cancer,arthiritis,cataract and premature aging.

For Pregnancy:
The best food for pregnant women as it a perfectly balanced amino acid profile.It natural iron and folic acid improve haemoglobin levels in the blood and also increases lactation in nursing mothers. Spirulina contains all the 18 amino acids in the exact proportion to mother’s breast milk.

For Cancer Prevention
Spirulian has phycocyanin which stimulates hematopoiesis (the creation of blood) and regulates bone marrow stem cell production of red blood cells. Based on this effect it has been approved in Russia as a medicine food for treating radiation sickness. Studies have shown spirulina or its extracts can prevent or inhibit cancers in

For Stress Management
The richest source of vitamin B-12 which helps to over stress by soothing the nerves.

For Skin
Spirulina contain polysaccharides like green (chlorophyll) which harnesses the suns energy which is considered to be a natural cleanser.

For Heart
The richest source of GLA. Most heart ailments are caused by buildup of low density lipids (low cholesterol). GLA dissolves these deposits. It is the perfect heart healthy food.

For Children
For children there can be no better source of nutrition. Read more on how malnutrition in children has been combated with spirulina .. http://www.antenna.ch/en/malnutrition/spirulina-study.html

How much Spirulina is needed for health ?
It is recommended to have 3 gms a day for adults and 1 gm for children

How to eat Spirulina ?
As Spirulina is a whole food it can be taken alone or with meals

How to compare the nutritional value of Spirulina with other food ?

Is spirulina considered vegetarian food ?
It is one of the chosen food eaten by vegetarians and vegans all over the world

Where to buy Spirulina ?
It is available in most indian pharmacuetical shops

Which brand to use ?
There are many brands that manufacture spirulina , I use Parry Brand which manufactures organic spirulina , approved by USFDA, Japanese and European Health Standards.

How much does it cost ?
Rs 225 (approx 5 USD) in India (for 100 capsules , 500mg/capsule)

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