Best food I have blogged in 2010

When I got to know about the event hosted by Smitha - Best food blogged in 2010, I wanted to post these two recipes.

I started blogging in 2010 June and the best part was I started to learn baking ... and even better I won recognition and new pals from around the world. All my recipes are my favorite but two are very close to my heart.

Both these recipes could be categorized as "A Kiddie Delight" as both taste wonderful and easy to hold too

The bread swirls won many hearts but my greatest satisfaction was my simple innovation was tried out immediately by lot of readers and comments poured in appreciating the joy expressed by their loved ones.

Another recipe which was very new to me was baking stuffed buns with a healthy tasty filling. The reader response was very encouraging and baking has now become a delightfull experience.

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