Spicy Smoked Brinjal for a Lazy Day

This is a dish I learnt from my hubby.Perfect to have on any lazy day when we dont want to be in the kitchen for too long !!So simple to prepare and yet so relishable to eat with plain curd rice or hot steaming rice with a dash of ghee.

The smoky flavor of the brinjals has a unique taste thats hard to describe but taste wonderful. I am sure you would enjoy it too.

  • 6 medium sized lengthy brinjals
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp chilly powder
  • 10 tsp olive oil

Partly slit the brinjal along the length partly on one side. Rub a few drops of oil over each brinjal.Place them over the medium flame and slowly roast them turning them on all the sides evenly all over.

While the brinjals are being smoked take a small dish and mix the salt, chilli powder and olive oil into a soft smooth paste.

Once the brinjal are smoked and tender when pressed softly take them off the flame . Fill each brinjal along the length with about 1 tbsp of the paste prepared.

Serve the brinjals with curd rice or with hot rice with a dash of ghee and enjoy your lazy day.

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