Sassy Water

I have a workout board on Pinterest and saw this recipe for Sassy Water. They say it's to boost weight loss, detox, clear your skin and refreshing to drink. OK, I'll take some. So I've been drinking pitcher after pitcher just about every day. Well I'm not a size super small yet but I will say it is refreshing to drink. If you can't stand plain water to drink, try this combination. Some days I can taste the mint most, others the cucumber or lemon, but I can never taste the ginger? Since I was making it everyday, I finally just bought a mint plant to grow in my garden, hopefully my lemon tree will hurry and grow it's lemons too. Anyhow, it gets me to drink my full 2 liters of water every day which is good for you.

Sassy Water
from Pinterest

2L water
1 medium cucumber, sliced
1 lemon, sliced
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
10-12 mint leaves

Add all to a large pitcher and steep overnight in fridge. I strain it through a fine sieve into my glass. Drink all day long, every day. Make a new batch every night or the flavors mellow out.

from my Instagram

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