The Yummiest Pizza

Greetings! Happy Over-the-Hump Day! We're glad to be mid-way through the week. What's better than a little pizza to celebrate? It's funny that pizza seems to be the remedy for just about anything. We have yet to meet someone who doesn't enjoy it. This recipe was taught in the Rancho Cucamonga weekend class and it was a major hit. 

Italian Herb Dough:

Yields 2 Large Pizzas

1 3/4 C. Cold Water
4 1/2 C. Honeyville Artisan White Flour
1 3/4 tsp. Salt
1/4 C. Olive Oil
2 T. Italian Seasoning
1/2 T. Yeast


  1. Add water, half of flour, salt and oil to your Bosch or mixing bowl. Put yeast on top. Turn on your mixer and continue to add the rest of the flour, half cup at a time, until the dough scrapes the sides of the bowl. Knead dough in the mixer for 8 minutes.
  2. Drizzle some oil into a Ziploc gallon bag, Zip and slide oil around until bag is coated inside. Then put kneaded dough into the bag and zip and keep in your fridge overnight.
  3. When ready to make your pizzas, just roll out your dough (you can use a little flour on your hands and rolling pins as dough will be sticky) on parchment paper.  Add pizza sauce and toppings of choice.
  4. Bake on preheated pizza stone at 500 degrees for 7 minutes (put your stone in the oven 30 minutes before bringing it up to 500 degrees).

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