Dutch Oven Pumpkin Dinner Rolls

What's Thanksgiving without dinner rolls, am I right? When it comes to this delicious Holiday meal, I think we can all agree that dinner rolls are as much a part of this gathering as the Turkey itself! Thanksgiving without rolls?! I dare not think of it!

So how do you zest up this traditional side? How do you take that standard dinner roll to the next level? Easy, add a little pumpkin, cinnamon, and sugar, and bake the whole thing in a Dutch Oven. That's right, a Dutch Oven! Is your mouth salivating yet?

We used our versatile, impressive, and absolutely amazing Alta Artisan Bread Flour, along with some help from the WonderMix, and created an amazing dinner roll that is sure to be a hit at your table this Holiday season. Trust us, this is the dish you've been waiting for! Get ready, it's time to bake up some Dutch Oven Pumpkin Dinner Rolls!

2 cups Hot Water
15 oz can Pumpkin Puree
1/4 cup Butter, melted
2/3 cup Sugar
1 Tbsp Himalayan Salt
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
6-8 cups Honeyville Alta Artisan Bread Flour
3 Tbsp SAF Yeast

1/4 cup Butter, melted
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 Tbsp Sugar

First, add the following ingredients to your WonderMix mixer, in this order: Water, pumpkin puree, butter, sugar, salt, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, 4 cups flour, yeast. Turn mixer on and, while ingredients are mixing, add remaining flour 1 cup at a time until dough begins to pull away from the sides. Once it does, continue mixing/kneading in the machine for an additional 6 minutes, or until dough looks soft.


Remove dough from mixer, place in a greased bowl, cover, and let sit for 30-40 minutes.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.


Once dough has risen to double in size, punch down, remove from bowl, and place on a hard surface.


Cut dough into small pieces, about the size of racquetballs, and shape into rolls. Place rolls in your Dutch Oven, greased with butter, and let sit for 30 minutes (I used a 9 inch Dutch Oven, but you can use any of your choice).


Once rolls have risen, make topping by mixing butter, cinnamon, and sugar together in a bowl. Gently brush over the top of each roll.


Place lid on Dutch Oven and place in your oven at 450 degrees to bake for 25 minutes. Remove lid for final 5 minutes.


Just when you thought dinner rolls couldn't be better, say hello to this dish! Light, fluffy, but packed with so much flavor, you'll wonder how you ever enjoyed anything but these delightful treats. With the perfect blend of sweetness and savory, each bite is pure heaven and each roll packed full of joy! The Holidays will never be the same again.


We all love rolls, but you never realized how much, until you enjoy these tasty beauties!

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