Fall season is the perfect time the year to start baking again. At least in Arizona it is the perfect time to get out the mixer, flour, bread pans, and yeast and start the wonderful tradition of baking bread. A lot of people don’t bake in the summer. I don’t get that, but then again I am a devoted bread maker to the heart.
Bread making is, I think, one of the most basic and important things we can do in our homes. No matter where we are in our life journey, bread making adds to the quality of life and more important the joy of life.
Heavy is my heart when I hear reasons for not taking the time to bake bread. There are no reasons I can think of for not doing it. When we have the modern convenience of mixers and mills, all of us should be baking bread with ease. I love my WonderMix and my WonderMill. They have changed my life and the lives of many with their efficiency and German engineering. I cannot think of living without a good mixer and mill. In the past it took a half day of my time in making bread to present day just a few minutes over one hour from start to finish. So really, in my mind, there are no excuses for not making bread. Especially when you consider the benefits of fresh baked bread.
Just what are the benefits of homemade bread? Let me take a moment and expound. There is only one real benefit besides the wonderful smell, the taste, and the clean ingredients. The one and only reason is the joy it brings into the home. Fresh baked bread can really be wrapped up in one word. Love. The smell is love, the taste is love, the overall feeling of fresh baked bread is love. When we bake bread those we share it with feel loved, whether it is the neighbor, our children, friends, enemies, spouse, or family, they feel loved. That is why I bake. To share my love with others. When I take a loaf of bread to someone I am actually saying “I love you.” That is why we should bake, to share the love.
So it’s cooling off and there are many who have not felt your love all summer long. It’s time to say “I love you” again. Get out the mixer and your favorite ingredients and start baking again!
Here is one of my favorite recipes. Enjoy the journey and Join the Revolution, that is the Bread Making Revolution.
Millet Cheese Bread
Ingredients:4 cups Hot Water
1 1/2 cups Feta Cheese
4 Eggs
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 cup melted Butter
1 Tbsp Himalayan Salt
2 cups Honeyville Millet
3 Tbsp SAF Yeast
3 to 6 cups Honeyville Alta Artisan Flour
In your WonderMix add the following ingredients, in this order: water, cheese, eggs, sugar, butter, salt, Millet, 4 cups flour, yeast.
Turn on the mixer and add more flour until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and mix for 6 minutes.
Remove from bowl and form into loaves and let rise to double.
Bake in a 350 degree oven that has been preheated to 400 degrees.
Bake until done, about 25 to 30 minutes.
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