I love our scone mix! Not only is it tasty, it's also extremely versatile and easy to use. In fact, with our scone mix as the base, we've created such dishes as blueberry dumplings, amazing calzones, and even mouth-watering bread sticks.
Yes, our scone mix is pretty unique, but today's recipe is by far my most excited use for it. With Fall in full swing, I think we can all agree that nothing is better, or tastier, than a fresh baked loaf of bread. I mean, on a cool, crisp Autumn Day, how can you top warm bread? Easy, just make that loaf pull apart bread. That rich, sweet cinnamon and sugar taste, with that crisp outside but soft, buttery inside is perfect any day of the week! Now, add a little pumpkin puree and you've got the ultimate Fall dish!
That's right, with our amazing scone mix as the base, we've created a warm, mouth watering pull apart bread that is perfect for any Fall day or Autumn activity. Simply, easy-to-bake, and best of all, oh so delicious! Get ready, it's time to bake up some Pumpkin Pull Apart Bread!
3 cups Honeyville Gourmet Scone Mix
2 1/2 tsp SAF Yeast
1 cup Warm Water
1 cup Pumpkin Puree
1/2 cup Sugar
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1/4 cup Butter, melted
1/4 cup Pecans, chopped
First, prepare your scone mix.
In a large bowl, combine yeast and scone mix, and whisk together.
Next, add warm water and pumpkin puree. Mix with your Danish Dough Whisk until dough comes together and is sticky. Cover and let sit for 30-40 minutes.
While dough is sitting, mix sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg together in a small bowl.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Remove dough and roll out on a hard surface. Spread melted butter over the top of the dough, then sprinkle cinnamon/sugar mixture and chopped pecans on top.
Slice dough into even strips and stack the strips on top of each other.
Using your Wüsthof Bench Scraper, cut strips into square segments.
Place square segments into your greased USA Pan Small Loaf Pan, cover, and let sit for 30 minutes.
Once it has sat for 30 minutes (it may rise just a bit, but don't worry if it hasn't) place in oven and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
One bread is finished, remove, and let cool in pan for 15-20 minutes before serving.
This pull apart bread is packed full of so much flavor and texture, your taste buds won't know what hit them! The combination of pumpkin flavoring, cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg, and rich pecans, gives each slice or segment that rich Fall taste we've all grown to love. There's no denying that this bread will surely be a hit in your home this Autumn!
There's nothing our scone mix can't do, especially when it comes to baking amazing, pull apart bread!
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